Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Attack of Alien ..... MOVIES!!!

Although I don't like sci-fi and alien movies a lot... but there are many noticable movies no one could ever miss or ignore like Sigourney Weaver's masterpiece (Aliens) with it's four parts, the mystery and chilings director M. Night Shyamalan gave us in his Mel gibson's movie (Signs).

The two parts comdey (Men in black) where Tommy Lee Jones and will smith played the roles of agents Jay & Kay who were trying to coordinate between human beings and aliens living on earth. The invisible Predator who's fiercely slashing any huamn being in the movie.

Another comdey which is (Mars Attacks) where aliens take a hillarious shape with thin small bodies and large heads covered by glass. This one is really cool with Tom Jones singing my favourite (It's not Unusual).

If I count the movies it won't end believe me, but I found a real funny video on youtube about the alien movies produced by a team who call themselves (How it should have ended).

I put it down here, Please watch, It's a hillllllllllllllllllllarious smash you never wanna miss.

1 comment:

MariumaZ said...

Nobody like or dislike or even want to mock alien movies... watch the video it's really funny and has a large number of viwers on youtube...
plz give me ur comments people:)