Sunday, April 6, 2008

Anti soda … Anti COLA!!

After I got married exactly a year ago, I started eating a lot of junk food, drinking a lot of soda, especially dark (coke and Pepsi), and got so passionate about eating lots of chocolate, cream, and fatty food.

My body has always been perfect and my weight is uniquely adequate and I knew I don’t have the tendency to gain weight because that comes from my Family genes… We simply don’t gain weight that easy and we have no fat members in the whole family (from the side of mother and father).

I started noticing about 10 kilos more in my weight.
All the new clothes I bought right before my marriage is not fitting anymore… I lost my flat belly… Everywhere is full of fat… I’m not that active and slim girl who used to eat whatever she wants, then lose all the carbs and calories, by running and walking and even practicing some exercises at home.

But after marriage, I stopped having long walks, stopped eating my mom’s healthy food, and never stopped eating EVERYTHING!!!

During Anxiety and stress, I let it all go with a bar of stuffed chocolate… And of course about more than 1 litre a day of SODA… My fridge is always full of sweets, chocolate, and lots of soda. And when soda specifically run out, I plead to my husband to buy me some from a kiosk at our street that stays 24 hrs open, and sometimes that happens at 4:00 a.m.!!!

The day I clean my home, I usually find not less than 10 cans of soda all around the place, in the living room, in our bedroom, on the dresser, on the floor… it was so pathetic!

So it turned into addiction, which is a disaster by all means.

I decided last month to stop and start this new phase on the 1st of April… No coke and definitely No Soda… I’ll try hard to do my best, and that’s with the help of my family and specifically my husband.

When he orders me food now, He exchanges the coke with fresh orange juice along with my combo, when I feel thirst I drink water or juice or make tea.

Now it’s the sixth day and I’m still going good and doing great till now… I’m drinking canned apple juice now and mmm… blogging of, course!

So see you again tomorrow.. Bye:)

4 comments: said...

actually I'm addicted to any junk stuff not only soda, even though I know it's wrong I can't help it but to have them, and I don't exercise so yeah I'm fat lol, anyway I think what's funny about this story is that u decided to do that on april fools day ... which is usually a chance for you to lie so I hope you keep it up, good work ^_^

MariumaZ said...

Thanks so much for your comment.
Although I didn't notice that I chose to begin quitting soda on April's fool. but I'm still holding on.
You can't imagine how hard is that, especially after eating something real yummy like Pizza, mac and cheese or burger and chips... you really need soda afterwards... but I'm going fine with apple and orange juice till now.

nrXic said...

Salaam, saw your comment on the facebook Western Muslim group. I'm one of the contributors. I look forward to seeing how far you can take this.

I agree, you "need" a cola after eating junk food. I can never eat Pizza and then drink milk or water. But I suppose the whole point is to stay away from that junk food anyways.

Right after my exams, I'm planning to lose 30 lbs, inshallah. It's going to start with healthy eating.

MariumaZ said...

Dear nrxic,

I've just seen ur comment now... Thank you so much for ur interest...
I tried to do my best in quitting... but because the last few days were extremely hot here in Cairo and very humid... and sometimes I'm in places where there's no water nor juice... I had to drink Soda.... I'm ashamed to say so... but I've deviated from the line of commitment for only 7 days... I've drank soda on 7 days only... but what reliefs me somehow is that it was not with big quantities Thanx God... I'll still write about it and try to do my best...

Glad you read my blog... Keep up with me.. I'll write more regularly starting next month ISA:)))

Your blog is nice... a new nice one.. I'll keep up with you.. thanx a lot again.